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Team Coaching

Team coaching is a fast growing, highly sought after form of coaching with methodology, training and competencies distinct from coaching for individuals. IECL’s team of highly experienced Team Coaches come together to form a community of learning and evolving practitioners who share knowledge, research, ideas and approaches ensuring IECL offer world class Team Coaching solutions.

The impact of IECL team coaching

Increasingly organisations are engaging IECL’s expert Team Coaches. Team Coaching breaks through established team practices and ensures teams are aligned on their purpose, capable of adaptive and strategic thinking.

What evolves is a team who understands where leadership resides in the team and a clear sense of the teams’ impact on the broader system. The result is improved collective decision making, improved dialogue and greater consideration of value to stakeholders. Rather than becoming dependent on the Team Coach, the team develops it’s own reflective practice, maturing as a team better able to learn and adapt together beyond the team coaching engagement.

Teams who need a team coach

All teams could benefit greatly from Team Coaching. Teams who benefit the most tend to be:

  • Newly formed or changed teams
  • Teams with goals to become high performing
  • Teams with changed deliverables or stakeholder expectations
  • Dysfunctional or underperforming teams

What to expect from an engagement

Team Coaching happens through reflection, dialogue, questions, observations and feedback over a series of sessions. Team Development work is typically 6 – 9 months. This may begin with interviews and facilitated sessions to frame the performance objectives within the coaching work. Diagnostic work with key stakeholder groups will be undertaken and team coaching sessions will happen in real time during the team’s typical business rhythm.

Team coaching for team development

Many teams operate as a group of individual contributors, rather than a group who can only achieve their strategic goals through working together.

Team coaching is a powerful coaching offering, used to enable true team performance, that is, collective achievements that could not be delivered independently.

In our fast changing world, team processes need to be adaptive and constantly honed. A Team Coaching approach to team development improves both team performance and team processes simultaneously.

From our clients

“I can truly speak on behalf of the whole team that we have very much enjoyed working with you and you have helped us come a long way on our journey to high-performance.”

Team Coaching, Financial Institution