Mandy Geddes
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Mandy embarked on her coaching journey in 2001 when she began her training with IECL. With over two decades of coaching experience, her passion and expertise have grown stronger over the years. Through her coaching, Mandy challenges and supports leaders in their growth, encouraging them to embrace fresh perspectives, think holistically, and take positive actions. She firmly believes in the potential for change in every individual and sees coaching as the missing link that provides the catalyst for change. Mandy's clients encompass executives, senior leaders, emerging talent, and solo entrepreneurs, spanning industries from private enterprises to public institutions and non-profit organisations.


Renowned for her leadership insights, Mandy integrates the practice of mindful reflection into achieving outstanding performance. She seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with modern demands to enhance both performance and wellbeing. Mandy empowers her clients to amplify their influence, define their purpose with clarity, cultivate a strong vision, and foster lasting contentment. Drawing from her extensive background in business, her practice of self-awareness, and her vital relationship with nature, Mandy introduces an inventive and holistic approach to achieving success through interconnected systems.


Drawing from an impressive 35-year business background, Mandy's professional voyage spans multiple nations, cultures, and industries. She has embraced work environments in the United States, Canada, Australia, and India. Across her dynamic corporate journey, ranging from market research and publishing to coaching, Mandy's versatility and triumphs shine through. Whether in leadership or supportive roles, she's recognised for her proactive approach and ability to drive results. This diverse experience distinctly equips her to infuse her coaching practice with pragmatic real-world insight.


  • Approachability and Authenticity: Mandy creates a safe and welcoming environment for coaching clients. Her non-judgmental attitude fosters openness.

  • Insightful Perspective: Mandy has a talent for helping her clients see new perspectives, bringing about remarkable shifts in understanding, and growth.

  • Deep Listening: Mandy’s capacity for deep listening and calm presence provides the cornerstone of her coaching style.

  • Guiding Self-Exploration and Clarity: Mandy helps individuals to explore their aspirations and navigate their own path toward growth and fulfillment.


  • Over six sessions a senior official in banking and finance used the coaching as a valued sounding board at a time of career crossroads.

  • Mandy worked with a solo entrepreneur over eight sessions to identify his next steps in business development and promotion.

  • A senior leader in an NGO was assisted to clarify her approach to seeking and winning a significant workplace promotion.

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