Course Details

Narrative Approaches to Organisational Coaching

About Narrative Approaches to Organisational Coaching

Are you an experienced coach ready to broaden your coaching practice? Or are you looking to develop your coaching to the next level? Narratives are the stories we tell ourselves and the most widely expressed activity we engage in as humans, so the ability to help your clients change their narratives can be a powerful way to develop your coaching skills. The meaning - whether positive or negative - we each give to the events of our lives, through the narratives we construct, impact our identity, our shared reality and the organisational culture.

Narrative approaches can be successfully used in coaching scenarios where limiting beliefs are holding your counterparts back, or strongly ingrained “stories” are playing out within the organisation’s culture. Learning about the impact that narratives have on performance, and how to help your counterparts move beyond their narratives, increases an organisational coach’s ability to help their counterparts explore beyond the stories that limit them. The possibilities for sustainable behavioural change make narrative approaches an excellent addition to the experienced coach’s toolkit.

IECL has taught Narrative Coaching in our accredited coach training program since 2006 and so we have a track record in this work. In 2023 we are expanding this topic into its own Continuing Coach Education Unit (CCEU) workshop, and the three days will be devoted entirely to the transformative power of narrative coaching.

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This course is an 8 week program and includes pre-and-post work and written assignments. There is also a 3 day intensive workshop held over consecutive days (via Zoom).

Your Narrative Coaching includes:

  • Eight week program including pre-and-post work, plus written assignments.
  • Pre-work online (allow approximately eight hours in the two weeks prior to the workshop).
  • Three full days online (via Zoom) intensive workshop
  • Post program work (allow approximately eight hours)
  • Co-coaching practice in small groups
  • Two written assignments (one reflective learning task and one essay style reflection on a coaching engagement using narrative coaching over at least two sessions/same counterpart).
  • Certification in Narrative Coaching and 36 CCEUs granted on completion of the final written assignment (28 Core Competencies/8 Resource Development per ICF approval). (CCEUs are continuous development units for coaches and are awarded by the International Coaching Federation).

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